Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wire frames

what is a wire frame

A wire frame is a skeletal three-dimensional model in which only lines and vertices are represented.An image or set of images which displays the functional elements of a website or page, typically used for planning a site's structure and functionality.

This is an example of a wire frame:Image result for what is a wireframe
click here to find out more information about wire frames.
Here is a video to show you how to make a wire frame.

To create my wire frame i am going to use the website called mock flow because it is an easy and interesting way of creating a wire frame.

       As you read use the highlighter to show which parts of the text are speech and which are sound effects. 

       Use a different colour for each person who speaks.

       Where the scene is set using descriptive language, think how you could use music or sound effects to create the same atmosphere.

The windscreen wipers slapped on the screen in time to the upbeat music on the car stereo.  Mum switched it off in frustration as she sat at the traffic lights.
I don’t know why you had to take so long, I waited half an hour!” she said sharply.  Naomi sighed.  “They didn’t have my size on the shelf, and the woman took ages searching in the stock room.”
We wouldn’t have got stuck in all this traffic if you’d just made your mind up quicker.  We won’t be eating tea until late at this rate.  Today of all days!” Mum retorted.  She was tired and hungry and it had been a long day.
“What’s wrong with the mobile phone I spent a fortune on?  You could have called me.  I wouldn’t have rushed away from work to get there if you’d called”.  Mum wasn’t giving up her bad mood any time soon.
“I forgot to charge it, the battery’s dead,” Naomi answered.  More like you wasted it playing stupid games!” Mum retorted.  “Sorry”, Naomi said quietly.  She looked through the window at the lights reflecting off the puddles.  The car accelerated away and sped out of town.
It was turning stormy, and the wind whipped up the leaves, throwing them against the car as the rain drummed on the roof.  They turned into the driveway of the old vicarage and Mum pulled on the handbrake.  “Oh, that’s just brilliant!” she muttered sarcastically.  “No lights on.  It must be a power cut.  How am I going to cook with no electricity?”  She slammed the car door shut and hurried up the drive as the clock stuck six in the tower of the church next door.
Mum fumbled with the door keys in the pitch blackness, then opened the front door.  Naomi splashed in behind her and they shut out the wind and rain, gasping for breath.
“Maybe we can have a sandwich?” Naomi suggested. “I’ll make it if you like.”  “Ssh!” Mum said sharply.  “Did you hear that?”  “What?” answered Naomi. “Stop it, you’re freaking me out.  You know I’ve always thought this house is haunted.”  “I’m sure I heard something in the living room,” Mum whispered.  “Pass me that brolly, I’m going to have a look”.
Slowly, Mum tiptoed to the door.  She turned the handle, and with a squeak, opened the door.
“Surprise!” came the shout.  The lights snapped on and revealed Dad, Naomi’s brother Paul and a group of friends, squashed in to the room.  Party poppers were set off, and a huge laugh came from the room at Mum’s shocked response.
“Happy Birthday, Mum!” Naomi said cheerfully. “Sorry about the trick, but I had to keep you out of the house ‘til everyone got here!”


What is a script

A script can be a written version of a play or movie. It contains a series of commands. Script languages are easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages.


Here is a video to help you write a script for a movie or play.

This is the process i went through...


I don't know why you had to wait so long, i waited half an hour!

They didn't have my size on the shelf, and the woman took ages searching in the stockroom.

We wouldn't have got stuck in all this traffic if you’d just made your mind up quicker.  We won’t be eating tea until late at this rate. Today of all days.

What’s wrong with the mobile phone I spent a fortune on?  You could have called me.  I wouldn’t have rushed away from work to get there if you’d called.

I forgot to charge it, the battery’s dead.

More like you wasted it playing stupid games



Oh that's just brilliant.

No lights on.  It must be a power cut.  How am I going to cook with no electricity?


Maybe we can have a sandwich?  I’ll make it if you like.


Did you hear that?


Stop it, you’re freaking me out.  You know I’ve always thought this house is haunted. I’m sure I heard something in the living room.

Pass me that brolly, I’m going to have a look.


Happy birthday mum!

Sorry about the trick, but I had to keep you out of the house ‘til everyone got here!