Monday, October 15, 2018

Alton Towers

Alton Towers

Alton Towers is a theme park resort located in Staffordshire, England. It is near the village of Alton, in the parishes of Denstone and Farley.

for more information about Alton towers click here

my film poster booklet can be seen here
to embed my PowerPoint I uploaded it to Google drive and opened it. I pressed share and changed the privacy settings so everyone can view it. I pressed file and publish to the web. I went on embed and copied the link then went back on my blog and changed it to HTML I pasted the link the went on compose my PowerPoint appeared as an embedded file. this was easy because I was taken through it step by step.

mind maps

A mind map is a diagram in which information is represented visually, usually with a central idea placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around it. It is an easier way of remembering things as everything is put into sections.
here is an example of a mind map:
Image result for mind maps

here is a video on how to make a mind map

why are mind maps useful?
they can be used for revision and lectures. they are also easy to read from. it is easy to add ideas on later on at any time
Help you focus on the links and relationships between ideas so you don't just have disconnected facts.

Here is my mind map which is about an underwater theme children's bedroom.


Demographics:  Audiences are identified in term of their social class, age, gender nationality, ethnicity, relationship status, family.
psychographics: Audiences are identified by their motivation and needs, desires, aspirations, dislikes, likes and values.

Uses and gratifications
There are four main uses and gratifications:
 Information is one of them and it means need for news and information. personal identity means need for forming and exploring identity, and comparing with others. social interaction means need for personal relationships- companionship, discussion, identification with characters.
entertainment means need for escape/ release from everyday pressures and entertainment.

For more information click here

See the source image
Mood board on word

This is for a psychographic audience because audiences are identified by there motivation and needs, desires, aspirations, dislikes, likes and values.

Advantages- you can access photos easily from the internet by just copying and pasting which doesn't take up much time. its faster to crop things on word than it is on Photoshop .

Disadvantages- you can not cut things out which will make it look boring , you cant changes the effect and colour of it. It doesn't save automatically which might mean you can loose it.

Mood board on Photoshop

Advantages- you can cut out background and over lap pictures y6ou can change the colour of an image or change the effect by making the picture bolder or lighter.

Disadvantages- it can complicate things and some may struggle to use it . it takes time because you can not just paste and edit you have to go through transform and all of the other stages.