Wednesday, January 16, 2019

health and safety

Health and Safety

What is a hazard?
 A hazard is something that is risky and could cause danger.
Hazards in a classroom:
>heating e.g fainting and dehydration 
>swinging on chairs e.g banging your head
>computers e.g spilling drinks 
Here is an example of a risk assessment:Image result for risk assessment
Identifying these hazards is important because you can plan how to avoid them. 

what is a safe working practice?
 These are often put in place after a risk assessment to give instruction on how to carry out a task safely.
Safe working practices can be set out for many tasks, even straight forward ones just to minimize the a person may face when completing a job.
An example is:

  • A risk assessment in a science lab because of the chemicals used in the room.
  • Safe working practices are put in place to ensure students wear goggles to minimize the risk.

Location recce is visiting a location to check its suitability for filming prior or recording.
>Suitability for filming 
>Potential problems
>Access to site
>Facilities abilities
>Potential light
>Sound issues

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